MCC - Experimental Digi Photo II - B209

(no class 3/27 or 4/3)
MCC - Experimental Digi Photo II - B209

Prerequisite: How Do I Use This DSLR Camera Class
Are you an aspiring photographer? Build your skill and your portfolio in this 30-hour class. Learn from a professional photographer through lectures, critiques, tutorials, practical demonstrations and lab time.
Photography concepts included in class:
1) Portraits & Proper Posing
2) Sports
3) Landscape, Architecture & Nature
4) Macro, Soft Focus, Moving Images
5) Panoramic, Painterly & Pinhole
Also, as a creative photographer, you need a practical approach to photo editing software. Learn to use Photoshop CS5 for the digital photographer. Use Photoshop tools, layers, blending options, cropping and portrait enhancing features in practical ways. Learn skills that add lifestyle, emotion and feeling to portraits; black and white photography; printing options, resolutions and understanding of print coatings and crop factors. 10 wks/30 hrs

Wednesday 3/6 - 5/22 6:00 - 9:00pm (not 3/27 or 4/3)